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Toronto Professional Negligence Lawyer

35 Years of Litigation Experience Matters

The decision to hire a Toronto Professional Negligence lawyer should be made with great care. The standard of care for self-regulated and skilled professionals is often high. But mistakes, omissions, and negligence result in dire consequences for clients. Toronto Professional Negligence lawyer Justin James Robinson has 35 years of experience dealing with professional negligence, tort and intentional torts.

Professional negligence and tort claims are serious undertakings and frequently involve insurance companies. Drawing on his background as in-house counsel at Canada’s largest Health and Life Insurer, Manulife Financial for several years, Toronto Professional Negligence lawyer Justin James Robinson is well positioned to help you successfully navigate a professional negligence claim against a trusted advisor, whether a financial advisor, insurance broker/agent, realtor, lawyer, accountant, stockbroker, engineer, contractor, electrician, builder, security provider, physician, surgeon, nurse, caregiver, seniors residence, teacher, or veterinarian.

If you believe that the negligence you experienced at the hands of a professional was so egregious, you may want to read our Regulatory Law and Tribunals page. 

A Toronto Professional Negligence lawyer can help botched work by a professional


A Toronto professional negligence lawyer can help you determine if a professional you hired performed  negligently and can advise you on important aspects of the case including causation and amount of the loss recoverable. Has a professional, whom you trusted, to either give you advice or whom you hired to perform work on your behalf:


  1. Failed to meet the professional standard of care?

  2. Had a conflict of interest?

  3. Breached a fiduciary, or other duty, owed to you?

  4. Failed to warn you of factors and circumstances that you needed to know in your decision-making process, that resulted in problems later on?

  5. Has a trusted advisor breached their contract with you?

If the answer to any of these five questions is “yes,” you may be entitled to a legal remedy. Hiring Toronto Professional Negligence lawyer Justin James Robinson is the first step in seeking the justice you deserve.



Professional negligence and intentional tort claims

A tort claim for damages is one made by a victim of a wrongful act which resulted in physical, emotional, psychological or financial injury, against another person who can be held legally responsible. Here are examples of tort claims where Toronto Professional Negligence lawyer Justin James Robinson can assist you with a legal remedy:


  1. Has your privacy been unreasonably invaded?

  2. Have you been defamed?

  3. Is someone in your family the victim of bullying or cyberbullying?

  4. Has an adult person, owing a fiduciary duty to your child or an elderly member of your family [a nanny, housekeeper, accountant, etc.] breached that duty by assaulting or harming them?

  5. Have you been physically or sexually assaulted?

  6. Are you the victim of fraud?

  7. Is your business the victim of an economic tort by interference by another person with a contractual relationship you enjoyed?

  8. Has someone converted your personal property to their own use?

Justin James Robinson


Your lawyer for heavy lifting

Toronto Professional Negligence lawyer to fight for your rights

Professional negligence claims are more common than people think; some are settled out of court. Some cases of professional negligence and professional misconduct proceed to a trial. This is why hiring the right experienced Toronto Professional Negligence lawyer like Justin James Robinson, with his background in Commercial Litigation Law, Personal Injury Law, as well as his deep knowledge of insurance law at Manulife Financial, are critical advantages to help you seek justice.

Of course, the most extreme professional negligence and professional misconduct cases make it to news headlines:

Toronto doctor charged with sexual assault of woman during physical exam: police - Global News

How was a nurse able to kill 8 seniors over a decade? – CBC News

University of Guelph removes Dave Scott-Thomas as track coach due to professional misconduct – The Globe and Mail

Dentist alleged to have drilled too many teeth, billed too much
– Windsor Star


Doctors urge national surveillance after curler dies during childbirth - CTV News

East-end vet faces suspension, $85,000 in costs over neglect case – The Toronto Star

Home sweet homewreck: This is the worst reno story you will ever hear – The National Post


Professional Negligence claims in self-regulated professions


Self-regulated professions are those where professionals are required to hold a licence to practice, or complete a program of accreditation and internship, or other practical experience. It is actually the license-conferring body that also dispenses discipline in the case of professional malpractice claims, rather than a government body. Because of this, self-regulated professions hold their members to a high standard and ordinarily professionals perform their duties properly. Sometimes errors, omissions, and “bad actors”—or a confluence of all three—do happen. This is precisely why you need an experienced Toronto Professional Negligence lawyer, like Justin James Robinson, in your corner.

Generally, self-regulated professions are divided into two categories:  1) health-related professions and 2) non-health related professions. All self-regulated professions typically have thousands of members.


BY THE NUMBERS:  Did you know Ontario has...


  • About 4,000 architects

  • About 9,000 dentists

  • About 11,000 primary care doctors

  • About 52,000 lawyers

  • About 5,500 registered massage therapists

  • About 900 midwives

  • About 106,000 registered nurses

  • About 15,000 licenced pharmacists

  • About 85,000 professional engineers

  • About 100,000 real estate brokers and real estate agents

  • About 160,000 teachers

  • About 5,000 veterinarians

​ keeps an updated list of these health-related and non-health related professions on their website, with appropriate links to each regulator. This is always a good starting point for a Toronto Professional Negligence lawyer Justin James Robinson and our clients.




Notable Professional Negligence cases we have handled


  • Professional Negligence Lawyer Justin James Robinson successfully concluded a settlement recovering for his insurer clients more than $500,000 dollars in an industrial subrogated action against a firm of professional engineers responsible for designing the extension to a smoke stack that failed and collapsed at a mine site in Sudbury, Ontario.

  • Professional Negligence lawyer Justin James Robinson defended several federal Crown Corporations responsible for inventing industrial technologies, testing and certifying the safety of gas-fired appliances (residential gas furnaces). Professional Negligence Lawyer Justin James Robinson settled the class action claims for a zero settlement sum.


  • Professional Negligence lawyer Justin James Robinson successfully defended a third-party action prosecuted by a multinational stockbroking firm against its contracted stockbroker following the global stock marker crash in 1987. The court found zero liability on the stockbroker client and placed the full responsibility on the failure of the administration system of the stockbroking firm. Professional Negligence Lawyer Justin James Robinson’s stockbroker client successfully recovered the legal defence costs.



Been wronged by a professional, supplier, or vendor? Call us now.


If you’re out-of-pocket thousands of dollars, your property or assets are now distressed, or if you believe that you may have been the victim of professional malpractice, take the first step and call Toronto Professional Negligence lawyer Justin James Robinson now.



Justin James Robinson

Call 647-391-1834

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